SuperBenefit's Theory of Change

SuperBenefit's Theory of Change

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What is a Theory of Change?

This is SuperBenefit’s theory of change. To help build understanding, we’ve developed four different “angles” – alternative ways of expressing the theory of change, and components within it. While we won’t be changing this on a regular basis, the theory of change will evolve as SuperBenefit does, so think of this as a starting position.

We warmly invite you to contribute to the ongoing process by joining the #toc-feedback channel in the SuperBenefit Discord.

Angle 1: the narrative logic


Angle 2: A focus on outcomes


Angle 3: A focus on the “flywheels”


Angle 4: Another metaphor - SuperBenefit as a mycelium network for invention and transformation

If you’re inspired by what you see and curious to explore more together, we warmly invite you to contribute to the ongoing process by joining the SuperBenefit Discord.